By COLlive reporter
The gabboim that run the main shul of 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights notified on Tuesday evening that the large shul will be closed “for a period of time,” due to the spread of coronavirus.
The announcement comes after 770 Gabbai Zalman Lipsker angrily brushed off questions by about the dangers posed by the crowds that keep frequenting 770.
His refusal was met with many concerned comments and private messages as the neighborhood reached shocking numbers of people infected by the virus, including some in critical condition.
In a notice on WhatsApp, 770’s main shul caretaker Yosef Y. Kratz plainly notified that the shul will be closed ”for a period of time.” His message did not specify for how long it would be closed.
Davening will now be held outdoors in the courtyard of 770 while keeping a safe social distance, as other shuls have already been implementing.
A person involved said the shul will close after Maariv which is at 9:30 PM on Tuesday.
Kratz added that there will be access to lockers where many store their Tallis and Tefillin.
The announcement follows another one made by the administration of the Central Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch whose students learn at 770 on Tuesday.
They notified that the bochurim dormitory at 1414 President Street will be closed, including their dining room and kitchen. Bochurim were instructed to remove all their belongings from the building by Monday.
Happy to hear
thank you gabbaim for closing the shul
They’re playing games with people’s lives.
All the people who think “I’m young and healthy,” should stop being so selfish and realize that vulnerable people don’t live in a vacuum. They will come into contact with them even indirectly and endanger their lives, and possible cause their deaths.
I have no doubt that the previous article, and allowing all the comments successfully made them realize they would have blood on their hands
Closing the dorms where will we house and feed the Bachurim
Yes their home back in Israel! They are being incredibly irresponsible. They sent out a video saying they will continue as usual as the rebbe is watching over them. This isn’t about religious it’s abt the lives of others.
Watching over the lives of others IS religion!
What took them soo long? What’s the rational to keep ” the main shul ” opened til now? Now where are the 1414 bocherim going to stay, if their dorm is closed? some o
I think it’s fine for bachurim (without prior medical conditions) to keep learning, as long as they only live with bachurim.
I agree 100% let the bochurim learnnnnn
The bochurim can learn on the phone with each other, instead of posing a danger to others.
This my friend is called ignorance.
Now they are going to encourage parents to throw out the bochurim from the houses
The messiah must have arrived
For taking a stand
THIS is what real Yiddishkeit looks like !!
Moshiach NOW !!!
Stop being selfish youngsters
Brilliant if you close EVERYWHERE then this thing will stop!
If what Zalman lipsker said was true Moshiach will come after maariv
this is a מעשה שטן!!!! for we are now holding in the era of Moshiach where the Kedusha is so great that the Satan came up with a plan (which he called COVID-19) which he is using against ALL Jewish activities!!! עד מתי?!?!
Right on target.The Satan through COVID-19 has accomplished what Stalin in Soviet Russia and Hitler could not do:Completely wipe out Davening in Shul and learning Torah by children in Cheder.The real question to ask: Would the Rebbe approve?
They were trying to make Jews not daven period, not trying to make Jews not daven in shuls. People are still davening. People are still learning, even more then before, I hope! Let’s just say this is odd times and should be the last taste of exile. And let’s turn this into a positive time to spend time making a better future.
I agree. I used to live in Israel. Chabad is blindly following ministry of health. First groups of 100 were forbidden, then 10, then men’s mikva closed. What’s next? Women’s mikva closed. Brissim illegal.. when I pointed out that Chabad fought the czar and USSR with all lies to put out yiddishkeit, now Chabad blindly follows the evil Israeli govt, which I heard the Rebbe saying in a video, is worse than the USSR ever was..I was banned from a WhatsApp group runned by Chabad. Now the same in CH. I can’t trust any rabbi anymore. 770 closing will haut… Read more »
The Rebbe (may his merit protect us) would want Anash to follow the medical and government authorities, comparing them to the czar, is outrageous.
Speaking disrespectfully about Rabbonim is also totally inappropriate.
let us pray that this pandemic will end without delay.
Moshiach Now!.
Good Health to all.
Read the story about Reb Zushe, the same Hashem that wants us to send our children to school and learn torah, and daven with a minyan, also now wants us to be safe and not kill other yidden
Beis chayenu!!
If you follow halochos of Pikuach nefesh, it will be able to stay on as Beis CHAYENU!!!
Ignorance and distrust of media puts Jews in the spotlight for spreading a deadly disease. Shame on the community!
Just look at and you’ll see that it’s not closed, there are people dancing there. 😡
That video is from a while ago, it’s not live.
Those who profess to “770 should be closed” in the name of protecting public health or “keeping 770 open is irresponsible” do not care about 770,don’t attend 770, and are now using COVID-19 as another expression of power to limit the influence of the Mashichists amongst us who hold that the Rebbe is present in 770 and do not refer to the Rebbe as “z’l”
I and many others care deeply about 770, but we’re dealing here with PIKUACH NEFESH MAMASH! Don’t you get it?! How many more chasidim do you need to see in the ICU before you get it??
Its about irresponsible people who don’t take the situation seriously!
BH they are now doing the research right rhing by closing, no need to highlight the negativity and pushback that went into it.
Much better to just spread the good and drop the negative.
Particularly now when members of our community are suffering from this pandemic.
Thank you.
Members of the community are in ICU with coronavirus and people are still spouting idiocy. And BTW, smokers with compromised lungs have a much higher likelihood of dying from coronavirus complications. Vi’Hamven Yovin.
It was necessary to close. I was watching last night and people were dancing, completely ignoring social distancing rules, trying to get people to join them. Anyone who has been to 770 recently should be quarantined. Do not dance and sing while spreading a plague to those around you. It is not only irresponsible, it is potentially deadly. ת”ר דבר בעיר כנס רגליך שנאמר ואתם לא תצאו איש מפתח ביתו עד בקר ואומר (ישעיהו כו, כ) לך עמי בא בחדריך וסגור דלתיך בעדך ואומר (דברים לב, כה) מחוץ תשכל חרב ומחדרים אימה § The Sages taught: If there is… Read more »
Are you able to remain indoors for three years. It may last that long. No more weddings. No more brissim. No more farbrengen. No more burials. No more anything.
OK thank you for the update
Would bittersweet be the correct feeling for some?