By COLlive reporter
A Jewish man walking his son to school was hit in a two car collision on Thursday morning in Crown Heights.
Surveillance footage from the scene shows the two waiting at the intersection of Crown Street and Brooklyn Avenue at 7:45 am, when a car ran a red light and collided with another car, sending one careening into the sidewalk, hitting the father and son.
“There was a minyan going on in a nearby home, so within minutes there were a few Hatzalah members who ran outside to help,” a passerby told COLlive.
Both father and son were taken to Methodist Hospital. It was not clear the condition of the victims at this time.
The resident whose lawn the car hit told COLlive, “I always tell people not to stand for longer than necessary at this corner. Many times they congregate there and do not realize how dangerous it is. Today’s unfortunate incident makes it clear why.”
Who cares about your “feelings” ? Not everything in the world revolves around you. Time for you to engage in some introspective thinking…
You remind me of that old Yiddish joke “Uhn as m’redt shain veggn Korach…” ( Go to your nearest Yiddish speaking therapist and ask him/her to explain how the joke applies to you.) You’re the type to offer any inane negative comment you can think of and connect it to any unhappy occurance that is in any way linked to C.H. I guess it’s your way of glorifying your move from here. Next thing we know you’ll be telling us how dumb it is to walk your kid to school if you live in C.H. Actually, come to think of… Read more »
thank you for your apology, we should all be a little more civil on this site.
I want to beg for forgiveness to everyone here, that I embarrassed or caused to feel sad or hurt by my feelings. Please forgive me.
B”H both father & son are OK.
The son came back from the hospital & was in yeshivah in the afternoon.
The father is home as well.
This is crazy! The cars are the same! What are the odds?! If the car that had the green hadn’t gone through the intersection, the man and boy may have been hit full (accelerated) speed, but since the other car blocked the one running red the impact was much less! A nase!
Hope the man and boy are doing ok!
It’s been proven in many cities to prevent acidents. Ny doesn’t have it.
First, there is something called shock, which is something all humans experience in such events (yes ALL humans – including all those involved here, whether people choose to call them that or not is irrelevant yet sad). Second, if you passed the scene of the accident, which I did, you would’ve seen air bags deployed. It would’ve taken a few seconds for the driver/passengers to compose themselves to be able to find the door handle and get out. Also, I would venture to say, the car that was hit was an innocent casualty as well. So, no need to right… Read more »
I’m so sorry to see this and refuah shelayma!! I know on my block we have all been asking for speed bumps for at least 3 years, but the city says there has to be a certain number of accidents before they can put them in! They speed down my block like its the highway and there are many children on my block. so worried. refuah shelayma!!!
There is no need to justify the REASON for things that happen in this world.. The only reason is obe word GOLUS!
We all know that עשיו שונא את יעקב since the day he was born… It’s not a Chidush…
All that’s left to do is having more Ahavas Yisroel, starting from our very own community, specifically in CH in order to bring Moshiach!! Let’s make sure on our next Davening to beg Hashem for the Geulah!
May it happen soon in our days!
רפואה שלימה!!!
It is the quality of the people behind the wheel that cause 99% of the accidents r”l.
The # 13 comment is such non sense.
What does Ch have to do with someone telling u not to stand too long on that corner in order not to get hit.
You have anger against CH and the people here.don’t mix the two!
Out of curiosity, Where do you live?
It seems…
It seems…
It seems…
All just like you said. You’re just missing one more –
It seems the city doesn’t care a bit about these safety issues.
They’re too busy passing laws abut having more genders on the birth certificates…
You clearly have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about!
Having grown up in a frum community outside of crown heights (and outside Brooklyn) I can tell you that the drivers there drive like absolute animals (especially chasidish people)
It seams there needs to be more time between the red and green lights on that corner, it seems exactly the same accident happened many times before. It seems the city could do something about this.
if your comments would not be sad they would be funny,
yes I AM THE HOME OWNER , the only reason i tell people not to congregate on the corner is because i care for their safety,
i actually wanted to install those poles by the side walk but the city does not allow, you seem to know it all,
thank god you DONT live here, get your facts in order, if anyone here is stupid is you.
Bh, Thank you for updating!
BS”D To 26 & 30 no where else has car accidents just murders like Chicago for instance
Are you for real?
Are you trying to say that there are no other accidents anywhere besides Crown heights?
May there be no accidents anywhere.
BOTH drivers were african American.
BOTH the father & son are Jewish Americans….
Any future questions!!!!!!
please update us on condition of father and son
Let’s arrange a peaceful sit down at the intersection at 5pm everyday for the next week’s . All we need is 30 ppl that will the city’s attention
To Yankel number 20: thank you for the compliment. It’s the crown heights ghetto mentality which is what I am precisely referring to in my first comment. Come to any other frum city and you will find there is none of this GARBAGE of stupid reckless drivers which are turning right on top of you as you attempt to cross a street. The point is, Brooklyn is not a civilized place, it’s a human jungle, and I wish you good luck.
Refuah sheilema to the father and son.
Do you think the homeowner created the hill leading to his block?!
How silly
They have been the recipient of terrible city planning, and many a car has wound up on their lawn, house etc
The city needs to put speed tracking on the road on Brooklyn Ave, which wld slow down the drivers
Refuah shelaimah to both father and son!
Vert happy for you and for ch, that you are not in ch.
Ch is a wonderful place, the rebels shchuna, many good people, you have some good landlords, mendel drizin and I’m sure others too. Many great organizations run by wonderful crown heightsers.
Thank you all those that make ch the nice good it is
You are correct. Speed Bump should be there Everyone should call 311 and complain and request.. Then things can get done.
As far as Crown Heights leadership there is NONE
The so- called leaders are to busy with photo ops and being on television.
So everyone call 311 please
Refuah Shleima to the father and son
Time to change the crash prevention polls. Installing the same kind that is used on our highway exit ramps.
And there are always a TON OF GIRLS who convene at that corner when returning from BR school to home. Safety comes first!
to Number 13 :
You are the idiot for your comment . Drivers go through red lights at that corner all the time and cause accidents . The homeowner had enough of drivers mounting the curb and ending up on the steps leading to his house . He did want that he and his family members would CV get injured from the reckless drivers . Good for him , Tovih olov Brocha . Sorry to the people who were injured by the wild driver who exist in our community .
Look how the “driver” takes forever to open his car door and get out to help. I don’t even see him going to help at all.
ABISHter send a message.
Yes. As mentioned above. After so many accidents at that corner. The people that have The power IN THE COMMUNITY to demand the speed bump on Brooklyn AVE. between Carroll and Crown street PLEASE ACT ASAP TO GET IT IMPLEMENTED. WHAT ARE GOING TO WAIT FOR R”L. .
Very well said!!
those metal safety poles are there to protect the walls of the house but the city should install such things on the edges of those sidewalks too.
Hope there doing better wd will day tehillim!!!
I am sorry to have to say this, but the resident of the home, which was damaged, is extremely foolish and just shows what the real problem in the mindset of the residents are! People should be able to stand on whichever corner they wish, without the danger of getting hit by a STUPID person who is not civilized! You DO NOT go through a red Light! You stupid jerk!
Crown heights residents wake up and smell the coffee ! There are stupid low class people who do not know how to follow rules!
i just heard they will be fine. no major conditions.
City needs to put a speed bump 50 feet before that light..we’re is crown heightts leadership
Time to demand delayed traffic light for that intersection. Nu community council???
May he be blessed with a full recovery.Funny and sad at the same time how nether driver went to see how the victim was doing
This corner probably had more car accidents than any other in CH. The fact they have those thick steel beams around their garden tells you something. I’ve personally witnessed an accident on this same corner. A traffic study is in order.
Menachem Mendel ben Raiza
Shneur Zalman ben Chava
How bad were the injuries
Hope he is going to thise driver the same way they are thretening us to sue the minute we touch their car …
Horrific video, but so sweet seeing the son’s most appropriate response of just for a brief moment brushing himself off and then climbing over the fence to his father to tend to his obviously graver condition (at least for that moment, hoping for no internal injuries for both).
Please, Hashem, refua shelaima
Did the man in his blak hunker not c the father & son crossing the street?????
Name for Tehillim?