Monday, 22 Av, 5784
  |  August 26, 2024

Are Chili Lime Chips Really Worth the Drive?

You may have noticed flyers around town raising questions about Trader Joe’s. They said things like, “Is the long drive really necessary?” and “Why aren’t you satisfied with the average grocery stores nearby?” Full Story

New Torah to Be Written in Memory of Fallen IDF Soldier

A new Torah will be written in Kfar Chabad, Israel in memory of Sergeant Bar Rosenstein who fell on October 7th while bravely fighting near Kisufim to prevent the entry of terrorists into the settlement and the surrounding area. You can take part in this special Torah. Full Story

Help Fulfill Channie’s Dream to Attend Camp HASC

Channie, a 49-year-old charming young lady with learning disabilities, who until very recently had no family or home to call her own, fulfilled her dream two years to attend Camp HASC in New York for the very first time. Help her attend this year and once again experience the friendship, joy and memories for a lifetime. Full Story

Mrs. Faigy Kot, 25, OBM

Mrs. Faigy Kot, a Chabad Shlucha in Beer Sheva, Israel, passed away on Chol Hamoed Pesach after battling an illness. She was 25 and survived by a husband and 3 children. Full Story

The Faces of the Mega Rambam Siyum: 2

Photos: Levi Kolton/COLlive

In a monumental celebration of Rambam learning and Achdus, 10,000 people came together for the Siyum HaRambam Haolami, marking the completion of the annual study cycle of the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah. Photos, Video

The Faces of the Mega Rambam Siyum

Photos: Levi Kolton/COLlive

In a monumental celebration of Rambam learning and Achdus, 10,000 people came together for the Siyum HaRambam Haolami, marking the completion of the annual study cycle of the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah. Photos, Video