Monday, 5 Tishri, 5785
  |  October 7, 2024

A Dream That a Jewish Man in Panama Had of the Rebbe

Shabbos Night Live with Rabbi Shmuel Butman: Weekly story of the Rebbe, what really brought about the liberation of the Alter Rebbe and what changed from the first day of his arrest to the 53rd day of his arrest and day of liberation? Video

What the Rebbe Wrote to Ariel Sharon

Shabbos Night Live with Rabbi Shmuel Butman: More directives from the Rebbe what every single person can do during the time of the war. This has a particular importance now as many ask what they can do. Video

Stories about Rebbetzin Chana for Vov Tishrei

Shabbos Night Live with Rabbi Shmuel Butman: Stories of Rebbetzin Chana in honor of 6 Tishrei, and why is there a minhag in many communities to say on Rosh Hashana "Yehi Rotzon Shenihiye Lerosh..." (May it be the will that we should be heads). Isn't this a "non-Chassidic" request? Video