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Community Outcry to Officials Over Proliferation of Bike Racks

Many in the Crown Heights community have expressed concern about the installation of CitiBike racks on main streets around the neighborhood. Rabbi Chanina Sperlin of the CHJCC says he is in contact with the Mayor and the Borough Commissioner's office about the matter. Full Story

A First: Kinus Hashluchos Group Photo Actually at 770

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Don't stop!
February 10, 2023 4:46 pm

Keep fighting till it’s done!

They are liberals
Reply to  Don't stop!
February 11, 2023 7:23 pm

They are liberals, right?

So they should be open minded enough to understand that different communities have different needs. Sometimes very different. So while some communities do need and want lots of bicycle racks, other communities don’t want or need them.

February 10, 2023 4:57 pm

Thank you rabbi sperlin

February 10, 2023 5:06 pm

Why are we the hub for all the 5G towers, homeless shelters and city bikes! Get your act together

Citibike is good for our health
February 10, 2023 7:00 pm

I love Citibike. Every block should have a kiosk.

So buy a bike
Reply to  Citibike is good for our health
February 11, 2023 6:48 pm

This is the type of selfish socialist behavior expected

Reply to  Citibike is good for our health
February 11, 2023 7:04 pm

Find Something Better To Do With Your life.

Reply to  Citibike is good for our health
February 11, 2023 7:18 pm

Apparently you don’t know what it mean to look for parking

Reply to  Citibike is good for our health
February 11, 2023 7:18 pm

until you get older and you realize it’s not so simple. they are many more variables to a healthy life

Paid Troll from NYC
Reply to  Citibike is good for our health
February 11, 2023 8:24 pm

All of the comments like these and the thumbs dpwns to the real concerns of our community to save the neighborhood are not from our community

A month or two ago!?
February 11, 2023 11:48 am

Thank you for representing the community on this and other issues. Generally speaking, though, if you “do not receive a response” you follow up….. and show them we will take our votes elsewhere in the future

True, but
Reply to  A month or two ago!?
February 11, 2023 7:20 pm

True, but he may have been taken aback that the “response” was just dumping more and more and more of these bike racks we’ve been asking them to remove.

Highly inconsistent
February 11, 2023 6:44 pm

Just tonight you have parked on the avenue 4-5 Raskin vans/trucks, 2-3 Shmira/Shomrim trucks, a “Hatzolah Air” van, a literal campervan, U-Haul, school bus, and multiple other commercial vehicles which do not belong on the avenue. How about the Shmira “good shabbos sign” with its unsightly massive generator/box behind it taking up 2-3 parking spots. Who exactly requested that be installed? Was there any community consultation? Or the community has to just suffer along from their turf war?  Should we talk about the Tzach Mitzvah Tank that has been blocking off at least 2-3 spots on the corner of Kingston and President for the… Read more »

Try Schenectady Avenue
Reply to  Highly inconsistent
February 11, 2023 9:06 pm

Wow thank you for confirming that BH we are a community full of Chessed & Mitzvos. Think about how useful (AND USED ON A DAILY BASIS) and beneficial these vehicles and amazing wonderful organizations are. Instead of looking to blame your own, try walking a bit. Near Schenectady Ave. There are DOZENS of Abandoned & Derelict half smashed possibly stolen vehicles, As well as many vehicles with counterfeit fraudulent “paper plates” parked in front and near every single drug & crime filled building off Schenectady Avenue. And I’m not going to even begin with the amount of abandoned vehicles near… Read more »

Is that even possible?
Reply to  Try Schenectady Avenue
February 11, 2023 11:42 pm

With alternate side parking rules, those care would have been ticketed enough to get booted and towed, no? is it even possible to abandon a car on the side of the street indefinitely in NYC?

To is that even possible
Reply to  Is that even possible?
February 12, 2023 12:35 am

Lol. The Traffic agents with their ticket machines only ticket vehicles that have legal plates & are legally registered.

All the vehicles with No plates, or fake paper home printed plates don’t get ticketed.

You can see for yourself during alternate side parking by Schenectady Avenue and Montgomery/Crown/Carroll/President

It would also be a very easy, convenient & flexible time for the NYPD to tow away these abandoned/derelict vehicles during alternate side parking because there are no other cars in the way.

Can't have it both ways.
Reply to  Try Schenectady Avenue
February 14, 2023 3:16 pm

The law is clear. Commercial vehicle / non-private vehicles are prohibited from parking on streets within residential neighborhoods. Enforcement is needed to address all vehicles that do not follow the law. This includes derelict vehicles as well. People and/or organizations will make a choice to either solve or add to the problem. Can’t have it both ways but I agree, street parking is a problem citywide.

You lost me at tzach
Reply to  Highly inconsistent
February 12, 2023 10:16 pm

You do realize that the tzach mitzvah tank is parked outside of a tzach building. Right? It’s not randomly taking up the most convenient space.

Community council
February 11, 2023 6:48 pm

This is crazy. And you guys need to take care of it

Nu nu
February 11, 2023 7:00 pm

Blah blah blah.

Maybe it’s time for some more photo ops….

The solution is simple
February 11, 2023 7:08 pm

Instead of putting the bicycles on the parking spot, place them on the sidewalk/grass.

February 11, 2023 7:09 pm

We need to make a protest
I’m ready

the city's policy's
February 11, 2023 7:16 pm

are pushing more and more people out of NY. They keep making it harder to live here. I wish we had a leadership who were effective.

I’m here bc of the Rebbe and 770, otherwise….

a frustrated tax paying community member

That's why we need more buses
February 11, 2023 7:21 pm

So we can actually take public transportation from east flatbush and remson village and North ch to Kingston avenue.

February 11, 2023 7:22 pm

Can we keep the bike racks but put them on the sidewalk? With just 10 bikes instead of 30?

No thanks
Reply to  Comprimise
February 11, 2023 8:25 pm

We don’t need any bikes in this small over trafficked area.

So dramatic
February 11, 2023 7:26 pm

My two cents:

Citi bikes are a rip-off for sure!

We feel so entitled to park our fat minivans for free subsidized by every tax-paying New Yorker that we’re offended when some of the street (which belongs to everyone) is reclaimed for alternative forms of transportation.

Replace the the CitiBike docks with bike lockers so that more families will use cargo and Dutch-style bikes!

Insults don't work
Reply to  So dramatic
February 11, 2023 8:27 pm

Ever heard that speaking politely will get you FAR better than trying to insult our community?:)

February 11, 2023 7:39 pm

Stop with your talks next show the community your action. Not just posing with the gov by your chanuka parties. There is NOT one bike station on 7th Ave in park slope. It is very clear that we are being targeted, but unfortunately we do not have a strong enough had to fight for us.

Citi Bikes
February 11, 2023 7:42 pm

While everyone enjoys a nice bike ride, I believe the proliferation of citi bike rental spaces in our precious parking areas is a deliberate attempt by the democrat party to foist its woke agenda upon our community. They know that we are a community based population Ie Shopping, schools, homes, restaurants, Synogogues, all service a close knit group of people living in the same area and they also know that we are voting Republican more and more and that their woke ideology is an anathema to all we believe in. It is clear to me that if they could destroy… Read more »

Why be against everything?
February 11, 2023 8:13 pm

How about trying something new? You might even lose a few pounds!

How ?
Reply to  Why be against everything?
February 12, 2023 12:12 am

Can you shop and put 3-4 or 5 kids under 5 on a bike while doing your errands?
The community is mostly filled with families. Not single people.

Albany & Carroll now has half block of CitiBikes
February 11, 2023 8:21 pm

Late this Friday Night on Albany near Carroll a station with a half block of Citi Bikes was installed. An area where the community did not need, did not want it. A street that is already narrow, difficult and full of the road rage types that pass through our neighborhood. A location that will make driving ten times more difficult and put the bikers lives at considerable risk of traffic accidents. So therefore the City decided to place it where it disrupts a community and causes the most harm. Then instead of going way above them, you go to complain… Read more »

Where is the community leaders
February 11, 2023 8:35 pm

They are destroying our community – this would never happen on 13th Ave!

They would not let it !!

No need for citi bikes in our community
February 11, 2023 8:36 pm

Please keep fighting in til they are all taken away

"Our community "
February 11, 2023 9:02 pm

Crown Heights is not exclusively orthodox Jewish, there are plenty of non Jews living in what we think of as central Crown Heights. Maybe the non Jews of Crown Heights do like the citibikes. Why should we have the right to dictate ?

February 11, 2023 9:31 pm

Unless every Bochur over 18 votes you can’t complain. If you outvote these liberal lefty DemocRATs than you can talk. Otherwise they laugh at you.

February 11, 2023 9:34 pm

Time to move out of crown heights

Parking Spots?
February 11, 2023 10:12 pm

I see the main issue is that the bike lanes take away parking spots. Do you know that there are close to 100 spots that are taken away by local Mosdos and businesses? Buses should be parked in lots, not on streets. There are 10-12 buses on CH streets taking valuable parking spots. Mitzvah Tanks should be parked in lots, not on streets. There are 8 Mitzvah tanks on CH streets taking valuable parking spots. There are truck trailers with mattresses, benches, and other holiday stuff parked illegally on CH streets taking valuable parking spots. There are local “car rental”… Read more »

Much bigger issue
Reply to  Parking Spots?
February 11, 2023 11:14 pm

There are almost 100 abandoned & derelict vehicles taking away your parking, many half smashed. Many with counterfeit fraudulent plates, many with no plates. All parked on residential streets leading up to Schenectady Ave, Utica Ave & Nostrand Ave.

Some of these vehicles are more than likely stolen, some of these vehicles are meant for drug drop points.
Let’s focus on that first.

Reply to  Parking Spots?
February 11, 2023 11:33 pm

U sponsor the parking lots also it’s not just the parking it’s that no one wants to see this [liberal agenda] every 2 feet u walk and also who the he uses these bikes if u want a bike so bad buy one or walk to Franklin Avenue and rent it there

Reply to  Parking Spots?
February 12, 2023 12:03 am

There is a shortage of land for us to build schools. Instead our Mosdos need to go and buy far out in East Flatbush. Where tell me is there an empty lot for Mosdos and all these other tanks etc to go park? As far as the trailers that are parked there from Tishrei to Tishrei, yes you are right. Its not right they are parked there and the streets cant be cleaned properly due to these unmovable monsters. Two wrongs dont make a right.

February 11, 2023 11:50 pm

The article states that community activists are in touch with the mayor’s office. The problem is that the CH community activists react instead of acting in the first place. When the 1st bike rack was installed on Eastern Parkway, that was the opportunity for the community activists to make their case and prevent further installations. Poor voter registration and turnout over the past 30 years in Crown Heights hampers community activists ability to advocate for our community. Unless someone is Chas v’sholom in a hospital etc, there is no excuse for not voting. In addition, any U.S. citizen who is… Read more »

Hear me out
February 12, 2023 11:40 am

If it were true that every single trip taken by car throughout crown heights is a family with children or a large grocery shopping trip, then you could argue that the bikes are essentially useless to our community. However I’m sure we can all agree that many of the cars on the road are one single person, let’s say an adult male, who is simply travelling from one part of CH to another and the most convenient form of transportation is his car. Taking a citibike can be much quicker and more convenient (no traffic, no looking for parking) and… Read more »

More CITI bikes
February 12, 2023 1:31 pm

More CITI bikes……Not enough…..more

Bikes are great !
February 12, 2023 1:49 pm

Maybe it’s time people start walking and using bikes 🚴.
This neighborhood needs un update .
Needs to be more people friendly like no garbage all over the street and cars all over the place beeping or almost hitting u !

February 12, 2023 2:39 pm

It’s about time we got these in our neighborhood. I don’t understand the obsession of the 20% of people in crown heights with cars that want to keep there parking spots and don’t want to let people without cars have an easy and cheap way of transportation.
Let the 80% without cars have something for once.

Revel vs Citibike
February 12, 2023 8:03 pm

Where did all the Revel mopeds go? They’re convenient, and do not take up as much space as bike racks, they’re also faster when it’s freezing, have helmets for safer commute and if you do not follow traffic rules (especially one way rule) get banned from using mopeds.

I’m impressed that people are promoting healthier and alternative way of commuting while not having much experience with biking up any of CH av (Troy, Kingston or NY).

To end my argument I think we should all switch back to horse and buggys.

Problem Solved!
February 12, 2023 11:51 pm

Why can’t they place these Citi Bike contraptions on sidewalks & on the island on EP.

February 14, 2023 12:51 am

Brooklyn Borough Commissioner Keith Bray


Bad bikes
February 14, 2023 9:00 am

As someone who enjoys bike riding and appreciates the idea of bikes to rent… The Citibikes are anyhow stiff and uncomfortable to ride, in my experience.