Thursday evening, Crown Heights Chaverim held their annual appreciation event to recognize and reward its dedicated volunteers, who selflessly serve the community 24 hours a day.
The appreciation event was held at the Grüit Eatery and began with a welcome address and Dvar Torah by Rabbi Kalman Wienfeld, who thanked the volunteers for their tireless efforts and dedication to the community.
Following the welcome address, the organization rewarded its top responders and dispatchers in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the organization and their selflessness to the community.
Each member was gifted with a custom Chitas and Pushka, as per the Rebbes directive to have them in every vehicle.
The event served as a time to recognize and reward the dedicated volunteers who really make the organization the success it is today.
Zalmy Okinow concluded the evening with a heartfelt kumzitz.
Gift cards to Bellisiomo hatters, Judaica world, Sushi spot, Boeuf and Bun, were generously donated and raffled off to the members. Special thanks to Hackner Sound & Lighting for their generosity.
Crown Heights Chaverim would like to thank Flatbush Chaveim for covering calls in Crown Heights during the event so the members could be free to enjoy the evening.
for your selfless work
May Hashem bentch you with an abundance of revealed brachos
Wow, yes, thank you, thank you, thank you, Chaverim!
One of 770’s Hanholeh and dedicated community member!
whats the difference bet chevrim and shomrim?
just so I know who to call if needed
Chaverim: call for roadside assistance, lockouts, flooding in your house, heater gemach in the winter etc
Shomrim: call for missing persons, anything crime related, domestic disputes, search & rescue. Basically anything you would also be calling 911/police for.