Friday, 15 Sivan, 5784
  |  June 21, 2024

Frum Passengers on Diverted El Al Flight Sue Airline

Frum passengers on an El Al flight in November that diverted to Greece in order to allow Shomer Shabbos passengers to get off the plane are suing the airline. Full Story

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An important action was taken
May 28, 2019 10:35 am

This article is misleading. If you read the true facts of the original story, what el al did was unacceptable and dishonest especially coming from an Israeli airline. They basically kidnapped the passengers. It was crucial that passengers take action to prevent a precedent. Thank you to the passengers for standing up for what’s right.

Reply to  An important action was taken
May 28, 2019 12:39 pm

true, I heard the told passengers they are going back to the gate, and then they took off.

Not a smart way to keep 75% of your customer base
May 28, 2019 2:32 pm

El Al did no one any favors by landing in Greece BECAUSE they knowingly created a situation that forced passengers to be homeless for Shabbos and dependent on the kindness of strangers. In so doing they negate the reason why many of their customers choose the airline in the first place. But they do say that bias and anti semitism cause people to lose their minds and, in this case, their business sense.

May 28, 2019 4:48 pm

Did El_Al at least compensate (or something) the Hendels or Chabad of Greece for their Rescueing the Passengers from fasting on Shabbos

Own fault
May 28, 2019 5:39 pm

It was their own fault of these passengers. They should not have set out on an overseas flight close to Shabbos. They ignored what Shulchan Aruch says, and they got what they deserved.

To 'Own Fault' let's let the True Judge decide
Reply to  Own fault
May 28, 2019 9:58 pm

Last I heard He’s the only one who knows what a person deserves. And they ended up having the Shabbos of a lifetime for standing up for Shabbos, so..

The Shulchon Oruch says no such thing
Reply to  Own fault
May 29, 2019 7:14 am

Stop making up halochos. The Shulchon Oruch says you may not travel on Friday afternoon, if and only if the people at your destination don’t know you’re coming, and will not have prepared for you. If they know you’re coming, or always prepare extra, then there is no problem arriving right before Shabbos. These people planned to arrive in Israel 4 hours before Shabbos. How long before Shabbos do you get home on a winter Friday? What’s the difference between a long-distance flight, a short-distance flight, and a car commute? Does the Shulchon Oruch discuss these? The fact is that… Read more »

El Al stop working on Shabbes
May 28, 2019 6:14 pm

As Jewish company in Jewish state – ELAl needs to stop all operation on Shabbes! For all and all will respect it