The first time ever International Moshiach Chidon will take place this Motzei Shabbos, Gimmel Tamuz at 10:00pm in the Oholei Torah ballroom.
All bochurim are invited to participate in this amazing display of achdus and learning. A grand lavish Melave Malka will be served.
Bochurim from Mesivtas worldwide have diligently learned and studied an unbelievable curriculum about the Rambam’s Hilchos Moshiach.
With over 20 participating Mesivtas in unity, bochurim have taken and passed tests on the material.
After 2 tests and a final, each Mesivta narrowed down their participants to be able to present a finalist who will represent their Yeshiva on stage at the Chidon gameshow.
Rabbi Shais Taub, Rabbi Simon Jacobson and Rabbi Shalom Zirkind will be judging the finalists with challenging questions to test their knowledge, and will narrow down to the final top 3 bochurim, who are completely fluent and thorough in the Sichos about the Rambam’s Hilchos Melech Hamoshiach.
The first place winner will receive a Dollar from the Rebbe as well as $770 towards seforim of his choice.
Second place will receive a Dollar from the Rebbe and third, will receive $120 towards seforim of his choice.
After each of the tests, there were many raffles on beautiful sets of seforim, all which will be distributed at the Chidon.
As well, all the automatic prizes for each bochur who passed the final test, will be given out.
At the Chidon, there will be raffles on items from the Rebbe, for each Mesivta that had 50% of their Yeshiva participate!
This Chidon, which has initiated a tremendous amount of learning about Moshiach Ugeula as well as unity amongst the Rebbe’s bochurim, will definitely bring the hisgalus of Moshiach, may it be now!
This is so exciting! So proud!
Mazal Tov top winners:
Eli Uminer and Mendel Kessler
New Haven Mesivta is very proud of you!
The Shluchim