The 9th of Av: Reflecting on the Holy Land, the Holy Cities and what you can do to rebuild the Holy Temple with by Rabbi Danny Cohen, Director of Chabad of Chevron.
Tonight, Tuesday eve at 7:30pm, Rabbi Danny Cohen, Director of Chabad Chevron will reflect on the Holy Land, the Holy Cities and what you can do to rebuild the Holy Temple, during a feature lecture titled, “From Destruction to Construction”.
The lecture will focus on the theme of Tisha b’Av which begins tomorrow evening. The 9th of the Hebrew month of Av is observed as a 25 hour fast day. It commemorates the exact date when both Holy Temples were set ablaze in Jerusalem. For the exact times of when the fast begins and ends in your area, please see the Jewish calendar on
Our sages teach that the fast of Tisha b’Av will ultimately be transformed from the saddest day on the Jewish calendar to the most joyous one, with the arrival of Moshiach – may it happen speedily.
Rabbi Danny Cohen is a legendary Shliach who truly has his finger on the pulse of Judaism and the Holy Land. He has served as the Rebbe’s emissary and director of Chabad’s activities to the holy city of Chevron since 2002.
Although he was not raised in a traditional Chabad family, during his military service in Israel’s IDF, Danny was very touched by the Chabad rabbinical students who would constantly visit the soldiers at their base and on the frontlines to bring them goodies and cheer. Seeing how much it meant to him and how uplifting it was for his fellow soldiers, Rabbi Cohen was determined that once he finished his term in the IDF, he would immediately join the other army – the “Rebbe’s Army”.
Despite the tensions always hovering Israel’s most ancient city, Rabbi Danny and his wife Batsheva are a constant source of solace, comfort and inspiration, providing the residents, soldiers and visitors with daily meals, essentials and anything else they may need, both physical and spiritual.
Tonight’s lecture is part of the “Project Unity” lecture series being offered by Chabad of Florida to unite the Jewish community through Torah Study. Though the lectures usually take place on Wednesdays, however, due to the fast tomorrow, the weekly feature lecture is being moved to Tuesday evening.
Past lectures can be viewed at or
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