Women from around the world, including Argentina, Canada, and Australia, participated in N’shei Ubnos Chabad’s online event, “The Miracles in the Beis Hamikdash,” on the study of the Bais Hamikdash.
The informative event on the miracles of the Bais Hamikdash was presented by Mrs. Malka Touger, and featured fascinating slides and photos.
Chairperson Mrs. Shaina Oster inspired participants about the special times of the 9 days and Tisha b’av, which the Rebbe explains that the essence of these days are good, which will be revealed and transformed with the coming of Moshiach.
Click here for video replay
password: 770.Moshiach
Please post if there is any recording?
I’d love to see the video replay of this, including the pictures Malka Touger presented. The link above is only audio. Can you please post the full video link?