This event is in the merit of a refua Shelema of JNet Director Rabbi Yudi Dukes.
Watch: Over 1,000 people joined a class given by Rabbi Chay Amar in the merit of the recovery of Rabbi Yudi Dukes, who joined the class and inspired participants live with words of encouragement in these troubling times - and had one request. Video
Watch: Over 1,000 people joined a class given by Rabbi Chay Amar in the merit of the recovery of Rabbi Yudi Dukes, who joined the class and inspired participants live with words of encouragement in these troubling times - and had one request. Video
This event is in the merit of a refua Shelema of JNet Director Rabbi Yudi Dukes.
Youre amazing and Sara!
He starts -6:30 from the end. About 55 minutes into the shiur
Refua shelaima NOW!
Can we just scream out BORUCH HASHEM!! Hashem really performs miracles and will continue to and grant Yudi a refuah shelaima, home with his family in excellent health soon!