Lost & Found
sentimental item lost in oheli torah hall we have lost a very sentimental item and hope someone has found it .. it is a gold brooch .. round in size with little spikes that look sun rays ... it was lost in ohlei torah ballroom on 28 nov at the berkovits zwiebel wedding .. hoping someone has picked it up and wants to return it. thx. can supply pictures. many thx
Lost Long Winter Coat In Tent Two Weeks Ago I lost my coat near the tent outside 770 about two weeks ago. This is a very long coat. I left it at the back of the tent. If you took it by mistake or know of its whereabouts, please notify me by phone at 19144477725 or email at gmprogram5783@gmail.com. It's getting cold here so please let me know soon.
Small sum of cash found A small sum of cash was found on Montgomery Street Between Kingston and Albany Aves the evening of September 7. If you can provide specific markers identifying this as your own please text: 845 292 0770; (no calls please.) Finder will call back if your markers correctly match item found. Otherwise, the sum will be donated to a local CH tzedakah fund.
Found Maroon/burgundy rain coat with shabbos keys in pocket A burgundy color rain coat that is lined to keep warm was found in 770 and has been there for a while. A pair of keys in a shabbos belt was found in one of the pockets. Brand- C&A To claim- message or call 305-788-3669 or email Chayamh@outlook.com