When much of the world shut down last year, many saw an opportunity to accomplish a life dream. Now, a year later, the most recent graduates of Machon Smicha are set to celebrate their achievement at a virtual Chag Hasmicha, to be held on Chol Hamoed Pesach.
“The program is a celebration for friends, family, and entire communities all over the world,” says Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Kessleman, Director of Machon Smicha, “as each of our musmachim are undoubtedly going to share the knowledge, inspiration, and lessons they acquired throughout the course of the program. From the school principal in Sydney, to the graphic designer in Israel; from the young student in Brooklyn to the senior professor in Seattle, these individuals have persevered in their learning, and they deserve a Mazal Tov. For myself, and for our entire team, it is a tremendous nachas.”
At its core, Machon Smicha offers a program that solves two issues people face when contemplating learning for smicha. Firstly, it is difficult to find the time to join a structured program that requires one to be somewhere, learning something, at a specific time. And secondly, it is difficult to navigate the Shulchan Aruch and its commentaries. Machon Smicha solves these issues by offering students a self-paced, on-demand schedule, clear, English Study Guides, and dedicated rebbeim available at all times. The topics covered are made relevant and practical, and smicha is completed in just under a year.
Gracing the event will be prominent rabbonim, such as Rabbi Chaim Finkelstein, Rosh Yeshiva Lerabanus, Pretoria, SA, Rabbi Sholom Ber Shuchat, Dayan Beis Din Agudas Harabonim and Rosh Kolel L’horaah Ma’asis, as well as other teachers, musmachim, and guests from all over the world.
The event will take place on Tuesday, Chol Hamoed Pesach, 17 Nissan (30 March) at 5pm EST. To join the Chag Hasmicha, go to onlinemachon.com/celebration.
To learn more about Machon Smicha, got to onlinemachon.com.