Menachem Mendel Cohen, whose family lives in the Chassidic village of Kfar Chabad in central Israel, passed away after a terrible car accident on Friday, 13 Nissan.
The accident happened before Shabbos near the Trumpeldor junction at the entrance of the northern Israeli city of Naharia.
Medics and paramedics who arrived at the scene reported that Cohen, who was riding a motorcycle, suffered a systemic injury and showed no signs of life.
Tragically, they were forced to determine his death at the scene within a short time.
He was 24.
His father is Rabbi Yitzchok Cohen, director of the Uforatzta publishing house in Israel.
The Levaya took place on Monday, Chol Hamoed Pesach.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Enough of this galus , and pain and suffering !