By Rabbi Bentzion Groner, Director of Friendship Circle International
So we just flew back to Charlotte, North Carolina, from chaperoning an amazing trip thanks to MAYANOT: Taglit-Birthright Israel. The connecting flight had been delayed 3 hrs. and everyone was tired.
About an hour into the 8-hour flight, one of the young passengers, a little boy with Autism, started to have a meltdown. His cries were heard throughout the plane and you could feel the tension among the other passengers.
No one wanted to say anything but it was getting very uncomfortable.
After about 15 minutes, my wife Rochel Groner walked over to his seat by the window and put out her hand. He looked up and took it.
They walked together to the bulkhead where she sat rocking and playing with him for a couple hours.
While most of the passengers watched on with awe, little did they know that for Rochel, this is her life.
At Friendship Circle of North Carolina, ZABS Place and Chabad we’re taught that if we just offer our hand in love and acceptance, miracles will follow.
May you be blessed always if there were more people like you willing to help this world would be such better place ,😇
The trust in the little guys eyes when he looks at her is so touching
tears in my eyes
Thank you!
We have two autistic sons. Preparing for even a short plane ride is stressful for the whole family, let alone a marathon flight. Then to have a delay of three hours…it’s amazing he lasted an hour into the flight and I’m sure his adult companions were exhausted from helping him get there. And stressed about the reactions of other passengers – people often don’t understand that meltdowns come from a place of fear and anxiety; they assume the child is tantruming and blame the parents. Thank you for your kind understanding and your help. You gave that little boy and… Read more »
little by little we can make a difference in each others lives.
this is something I would of definitely do.
just about as amazing as the story itself. Schoyach & Moshiach Now!
Such a refreshing story of love and kindness. Thanking you between tears, for this innocent child did not see color, or religion, but was comforted and calmed by someone who cared and shared the essence of who she is.
Just went to Israel in June, difficult flight. May God be praised that this young woman offered herself as a vessel of love for this deserving child. May each of us step out on faith today to bring love to a hurting world.
I hope she’s a mommy because her children would be very, very blessed to have her.
That was so amazing. I have two grandchildren with autism and it can be very stressful at times for their mom now being a single parent. There are so many people who are not aware of how sensitive these kids. You are an amazing women and I know his parents are so grateful to have some one a stranger who care enough to reach out and help their child in the time of need.
Well done! Certainly out world fares much better when we are taking care of each other rather than seeking more means not to.
We have an autistic son who reacts the same way to over stimulation or stressful circumstances. This kind woman offered the perfect solution by making this boy feel safe. I bet those parents deal with this several times a day and sometimes a child just doesn’t always respond to them. Thank you for being part of the solution and not judging. I am sure those parents were beyond grateful.
My cousin has been depressed over a personal family issue for the past several years. As I have learned from the Rebbe, one must give to others in order to move from a place of despair. I had a strong conversation with him the night before about this topic. We spoke about volunteering at a home for special needs children on shabbosim rather than being alone and feeling sorry for himself. In the morning, he (a non Lubavitcher) sent me the link to this story. The Rebbe’s messages are for all people at all times. One never knows the enormous… Read more »
Such a nice story to hear, a true kiddish Hashem! Good job! It is clear that friendship circle is the right shluchos for you!
Hatzlucha with all your endeavors!
God bless her! That was awesome!
wow God Bless the Yiddin
To the commenter who thought perhaps the child was unaccompanied, probably not. It would not surprise me however if his parent’s were totally overwhelmed and even exhausted at that point. Nor would it suprise me if Mrs. Groner told them to rest while she entertained and soothed the boy.
She obviously connected with him and sometimes a child like him just needs some quiet ‘alone’ time.
It’s wonderful to see good things be reported.
All we can say is baruch hamkadaish shmoy brabim
May God Bless her.
What a Kiddush Hashem!
May your actions be a zechus for you and your family!
Wish that all those taught by their anti-Semitic “leaders” that Jews are the cause of all their problems would see this article and understand .
Mrs. Groner, you’ve touched us all and made us so proud. May all your p’eulos be rewarded both in the areas of tzorchei tzibbur and in your personal life.
Very touching. May Hashem bless Mrs Groner…
so touching
thank you mrs rochel g.
may hashem bless you with EVERYTHING
wow what a lesson for us: if we can another person, we should always try
This is the type of behavior that makes chabad so special. It’s amazing, but mostly, it’s who we are
If we are meant to be the “light ” to the other nations , then we Jews should behave exactly as shown by this kind and wise woman.
Totally crying reading this
Such a speacial woman
She will be blessed in all areas of her life immediately with revealed good
i have tears in my eyes!
this was so beautiful, we all must step in when help is needed, we must care show love and compashion shalom
Wow! What a story! May you be bentched with זרעא חיה וקיימא, and much אידיש חסיד ישע נחת!!!
Although, nothing less is expected from any shliach, theoretically, when a shliach/shlucha steps up to the bat in actuality, all Shluchim/shluchos worlwide applaud and say “we are proud that you are our representative” and now now please step on to the pedestal where you belong for klal Yisroel to Shep nachas.
This shlucha saw that this boy was a person before his needs. A helping hand is what we all need sometimes. Her patience is upworthy, her commitment to people with diverse abilities is commendable. and the Friendship Circle know where its at!
Tov she-tihiye Ishah! Telchy me’chayil el chayil be’avodatech ha’kdoshah.
Dear Rochel,
With Viral תפילות and בקשות from the Entire Global Shluchim and Anash community.
Your Kiddush Hashem to the world is unprecedented.
HASHEM should fulfill your heart’s desire
thank you for beimg a light into the nations!! words can not express my feelings now as i read the article crying and realizing what nachas you give the rebbe wherever you are!
Makes me proud to be a Jew. May she go from strength to strength.
Pure jenuine missirus nefesh!! Kol hakavod!
You’re a true rol model!
such a big kiddush hashem especially after ten days in Israel!!!!!!!!!!!
True humanity. Tear filled eyes.
What a wonderful nashoma! She was able to calm an overwhelmed child with special needs who was probably frightened traveling .
Beyond Awesome. What a beautiful person. Tears.
Amazing kidush Hashem!
Mrs. Groner reached out to care for another human being with love , honor and respect. Imagining a world where we all did that even if we don’t know someone and have a part of ourselves that we can share. A beautiful story and example for all to follow.
who in the world is this heroine?
Rochel Groner yes but what is her maiden name?and can we see her face?
i’m just blown away. in tears from this.
Typical of Chabbad. So precious!! Such kindness!!! Mrs. Miryam Elkins
So special. Such a wonderful lady. I am so proud to be Jewish. Kol Hakovod.
Thank you COL for posting this article. 🙂
Divine Intervention
We have an Autistic son, he is very bright and aware, but we would never allow him to fly unaccompanied.
Thank you Rochel Groner.
What a wonderful helping hand. Kol Hakavod.
Gracias Tzadek Gracias Rebe gracias Hashem
Wwow, that is beautiful. Kol Hakovod!
Very special lady, true act of chesed. Definitely helping to bring Moshiach!
We all can learn from this because everyday all around each of us everyone is crying for someone to hold out a hand of friendship … Everywhere at all times.
This is amazing.
On a side note, was the child not accompanied on-board by an adult? If there was an overwhelmed mom I would get that, but the article doesn’t mentioned that
So special!
Mrs Groner, you are truly a special person.
What a mitzvah! A wonderful Kiddush hashme!
Something special
So beautiful. Kol hakovod
Maybe Friendship Circle should offer a course to teach all flight attendants how to deal with special needs people on their flights.
This was such a heartwarming scene, I literally have tears in my eyes!
this is such a special and touching read! thank you for sharing this story. notonly is it a kiddush Hashem its something that we can all learn from! kol hakavod for giving what you know how to give!
BS”D Jews, especially the Schluchim/cha are a light to the Nations, they as does the Rebbe cares for everyone, is there one job description a Scliach/Schlucha does not fulfill
Wow!! WOW!!! You are a great inspiration!!
i hope the little boy is ok
Amazing kidush Hashem! I as a yid is so proud!
wow kol hakavod
What an inspirataion!
A kiddush Hashem!
And, this brings honor to the rebbes name, and Chabad in general.
Thank you very much for sharing.
What a kiddush hashem!
Not only on shlichus where ever she is but also after a long 10 days on birthright in eretz israel (I would know I’m on my trip now) she helps people who need help.
כל הכבוד.
Kiddush Hashem and Lubavitch
Kiddush Hashem!