By COLlive reporter
Mrs. Faigy Kot, a Chabad Shlucha and educator in the southern Israeli city of Beer Sheva, passed away on Wednesday, 16 Nissan 5784, the first day of Chol Hamoed Pesach (in Israel).
She was 25 and battled an illness.
Together with her husband, she ran the Chabad center in the Shchuna Hei neighborhood, reaching out to Jews from all walks of life and teaching Torah and Mitzvos. She was also worked as a school teacher.
Recently, as she was battling a terrible illness, friends and people from around the world said Tehillim and did Mitzvos in her merit.
“In the school she worked in, she touched everyone,” said her father, Rabbi Shai Sukenik, a Mashpia in the village of Kfar Chabad. “Whatever she did resonated with everyone and transformed lives.”
He said at the levaya that, “In the past year, she encountered so many challenges, and everyone around her, her siblings, didn’t understand where she had all this strength (to remain positive). The entire medical staff, everyone connected with her, with her smile, until the very last moment.”
“On the eve of Pesach, she sat with all her might and participated as much as she could. Throughout this period, we also discovered what a united family we have and how our Kfar Chabad is united, all thanks to her,” he said.
She is survived by her husband Rabbi Mordechai Kot, their 3 young children, her parents and siblings.
A fund has been set up to help her husband and children. Click here to donate now.
Baruch Dayan Haemes: Faiga Tzipora bas Shai.
So terribly sad. She seems like such a soulful and beautiful woman.
So sorry to hear about the passing of this young woman, wife and mother. May they find comfort in her memory and good deeds
May we celebrate This Pessach The Ultimate Simcha together with all our LOVED-ONES in Yerushalayim.
Kein Yechi Rotzon
Higia Hazman
Baruch Dayan HaEmes
How much more must we suffer? How much longer is this horrific dark Golus? When will Hashem reappear to us and take each one of us by the hand to lead us out of golus? Enough is enough! We keep thinking NOW and then NOW passes and we stir up some illogical reason and say NOW again! Dalai Golus! Please stop the madness! We deserve and are ready for Geulah! G-d is our King, Moshiach is our King from the house of David and the Beis Hamikdosh is ready to plop down. We are in the month of Redemption so… Read more »
So sad, so young! ברוך דיין האמת , a fellow Shlucha
This galus is too long. We must have the Geula Shleima immediately
Please Hashem, bring Moshiach now! Faigy was a beautiful shlucha and person. The loss and pain is so great.