A new preparation room will be dedicated at the Union Street Mikvah in memory of longtime devoted Mikvah lady Mrs. Esther Coren obm.
Her family has set up a fundraising campaign to dedicate a new room at the Crown Heights Mikvah, where Esther worked for many years.
“Esther was known by all as a person who always was part of joy and simchas. The last 40 years of her life was dedicated to the Kedusha and Tehara of klal yisroel. She took it as a mission to fill her position for the sanctity of our generation.
“Sadly she never had children of her own but we can testify that she has many non-biological children she was a part of. What more appropriate way to honor her and do a favor for her pure neshama to dedicate a mikva room in her memory,” they wrote.
Esther passed away on Monday, 8 Adar Beis, 5784 at the age of 74.
Click here to take part in the campaign: https://thechesedfund.com/dina_g/in-memory-of-our-dear-esther-coren
Esther is an incredible woman. Esther helped thousands of woman as a friend, mashbia, and mikvah attendant who went above all normal limits to accomodate and educate and check with the Rabbeim when a halachic concern came up. We cannot believe we have to have this time of separation from her. She was chosen to have such a lofty shlichus. May we celebrate her joyful tireless work by bringing many more holy woman to celebrate taharas hamishpacha on the highest level
Chasida M
So fitting to do this chessed for Esther.
Thank you;)
This is very meaningful- she was very dedicated at her work in the Mikvah
and so fitting.
Esther was such a a wonderful woman, always kind and friendly. She made mikvah so pleasant. It’s hard to believe that she is no longer with us.
This will be such a tremendous Aliya for her neshama.
May she bang down the gates of Golus and help bring Moshiach now