The Vaad Hatmimim will be hosting an online Historic Panel about Chof Av over the years by the Rebbe, Monday, Chof Av at 6:00 PM ET.
The event will feature a Pirsum Rishon from JEM, Rabbis Yoel Kahan, Meir Harlig, Shmuel Lew, Yossi Hecht, Shmuel Greisman and Mendel Feller.
Hear about the special annual Farbrengen the Rebbetzin Chana would host in her apartment.
– The Torah the Rebbe published for Chof Av
– The Various initiatives the Rebbe established in connection with Chof Av
– The very special Farbrengens every single year
and much much more….
Log on to to take part in this fascinating event.