A new song by the Ya'alili duo - Shmuel & Bentzi Marcus promotes The Great Parade 5771 that will take place at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn this Lag BaOmer. Video
A new song by the Ya'alili duo - Shmuel & Bentzi Marcus promotes The Great Parade 5771 that will take place at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn this Lag BaOmer. Video
i wish i was there!!!!!! its an awsome clip!!!!!!! luv it!!
parade paradin whoooooooooooooooooo
looks fun, awesome, amazing, splendid…!!!!!!!!!
Cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is it a problem is girls wear a shirt under the great parade tshirts?!?
i love the song
could someone post the lyrics???
its amazing
i am who i am
The person that initiated the parade should be there first . By erasing the initiator we are not beachdus!!!! If the Rebbe wants to be mevater on his Kavod , only he could do it Not ME !!! I know many People that are not chabad and participated in the parade when they were children who were very touch until now by the Rebbe , not everything else around … Let s not get impressed by people that want to impose their views… the Rebbe initiated it lets pay tribute , only a normal thing to do after all… Hanassi… Read more »
its going to be a blast!!!! this is how we are going to bring moshiach!
Go the twins
last year was not chasidishe nigunim
go!!! yossi sasson!
WHO ARE YA? comon!
why the yichi by hadar hatorah float and the yamuka by mendys would the rebe oprove of this
blue T-shirts! blue T-shirts!
when will it be.I LOVE IT.
what a rythmic catchy spirited song
Greeat videoo! i ve seen it at youtube, and ITS AWESOOMEE
jazak ubaruj!!
parade! parade’n!
8th day rocks!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Orange t-shirts. Orange t-shirts !!
If I need to explain what’s wrong with this song for the rebbes parade, then I won’t even bother. All I’ll say is that if the comments here represent what the majority of crown heights thinks as a good enough standard, it’s time to make a 360 חשבון נפש before we finally achieve a compete loss of our identity. I also wonder what the rabbonim and mashpiim think about this(if there is any respect left for them in our respectful neighborhood) and finally I’m not embarrassed anymore to suggest that we should go look at williamsborg and b.p and see… Read more »
GO THE TWINS!!!!!!!!
GO LONDON GO!!! (and all the other londoner…:P)
ashreinu ma tov chelkinu!!!! listen to it all day and all my children are already singing it!! let this yom tov really parade us to the promised land!!!!!!!
i’m so happy for everybody who will be there i live in china it’s a fourteen-hour-flight if you fly straight butif you do stopovers it will be even longer. p.s. benny is my uncle’s brother.
go to: and vote orange!!!!!!!!!
great video! 🙂
i think a chassidishe song would fit more properly to this video, but other than that, koodles to u! and i agree with comment # 5, where did Avraham Fried go???? he makes a parade! he is our true jewish star!!! and to comment # 69, ofcourse its live…i cant wait! does anybody know where u can order a tshirt? i love it, at this time of year, its a gr8 pajama shirt for the kids! (i meant after the parade ofcourse!) and sparks, u rocked the video, and im sure u will be as lebodik as last yr.j+
The Prince of Chassidic Rock!
but last years was a bit more catchier
apalled! what in the world is going on . i am fighting a losing battle trying to instill chassidishe niggunim into my very- quickly- growing -up children. why the “goyishe” style music? will anyone not join the parade if the music is chasidish? please. are we losing sight of who we are?? who we represent?
truly looking forward to the great parade with moshiach
to 37 i hope so i had a great time last year
good video! realy good! nice to see so much talent in lubavitch! moscowitz is at it again??
also, the rebbe would TTOOTTTTAALLYY approovee.
go bchs LA well probably be there!!!!!
i really hope so..
– outa state fellow
this parade is geared for ALL kinds of jews. There are people, tho, sadly enough, that wont come if they see it being all about “chabad, chabad” or “Rebbe”. The parade is supposed to be about achdus.
True, the Rebbe initiated the parade. But the Rebbe also said regarding many things that it doesn’t matter if it has his name on it or not, as long as it gets done!
thanx for the compliment
the chicken is me
that was the greatest music video i have seen in the last while its incredible amazingfantastic phenomonal smashing crazy cool hot awsome funky origanal creative exciting intesting booming crashing flashing rocking rolling one of a kind nuts insane cute impressive flabergasting astoniching unreal startaling shocking moving touching and all around quite good. but i have just one question WHO IS THE CHICKEN (because he is a good dancer id like to learn some tricks)
i hope they gonna have them in london!!! i got one last year! and now im in the mood to wear it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CANT WAIT FOR LAG BAOMER!!!!!
great job chicken!!! – woh are you?
what tune is the song to?
go uncle moeshy
Who’s the chicken?!?!?!
he is in it ! at 0:47 exactly but its only for a sec so i doubt that hell be there but if so yay!the more the better
it was filmed here! we love you monsey!
you think is to late to put a picture of the rebbe more than a fraction of second ??????????????????????
did we forgot who initiated the lag baomer parade?????????
please answer
Loved last year with Abraham fried and nbd. I also agree that it should have been a song with a more chassidishe tam.
Just wondering… with most respect…
where can i buy the song?
One great Mitzvah train.
Well done
1:10 there is no food
twins good to see you …. great job as always… how old r you ??? look so young ??? ready to date??? which one???
The French Twins Rock the Houseeee!!!
sounds the best
8th DAY IS SO CHOSH!!!!!!!
YES!!! The “KING” Mordechai Ben David is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sounds good but benny is over used wanna see some NEW faces… 8th day is awesome
So nice to see yidden from all walks of life on teh video. I am sure the Rebbe has so much nachas!
Best promo song by far! Go bentzy and shmuly!! Cannot wait to hear tou guys live bt the great parade! Keep the hits coming!
So nice to see yidden from all walks of life on teh video. I am sure the Rebbe has so much nachas!
is their a group flying in this year?
They are so cute!
You are the main man, without you their would not be a parade!
You are one talented boy!
i HATE the blue, orange is much brighter color
it wont be the same without him?
How many people are they expecting?
my kids are already walking around the house singing Parade Paradin
One hit after another!
Why does he always have food?
Great Video for the Great Parade!
That was absolutely stunning! You people are unbelievable! Amazing! I am so inspired ! I am so excited and can’t wait to join in the marvelous PARADE!!!! Kol haKavod!!!
cant wait!!!
im gonna be there:-)
8th Day continues to rock the House!
who is in the chicken
Why is everything now made with the goishe styles?!
Why can it not be like last year, with chassidishe singers, avraham fried, mbd, singing niggunim???
Great Job, this an amazing video thats gonna go viral!!!
🙂 🙂 :)!
why couldn’t you pick a chasidishe song for this?
why the expense of a new shirt? keep the same color as last year and those that need to buy a new one will buy.
for the sake of tznius
girls should have long sleeve shirts (preferably different color than the boys t-shirts.)
I had a blast last year….. Looking forward for this year!!!!
great video!! Love the song
Looking forward to a truly GREAT Parade, with Nossi Doreinu leding us out of Golus
yay!!!!! we are here again
go parade!! and brhs!! who basicly makes it happen!!
and if you ‘like’ The Great Parade’ on facebook you could win VIP tickets to the event!!!! I hope i win!!!
why did they boycott him?
These guys are incredible. Wgat a great song!
looks awssome!! cant wait to be there in GREAT AND MIGHTY LONDON!!!!!
it’s great
cant wait!!