Photos: Restricted Reopened 770
A limited Maariv minyan was held at the main shul of 770 Eastern Parkway on Motzoei Shabbos as it tests a gradual reopening. R’ Nochim Kaplinsky made Havdalah for those present. Photos
A limited Maariv minyan was held at the main shul of 770 Eastern Parkway on Motzoei Shabbos as it tests a gradual reopening. R’ Nochim Kaplinsky made Havdalah for those present. Photos
So nice to see. May we have a blessed month!
But all on the tables. What is wrong with you all? Crown Heights was hit so hard and still you don’t take basic precautions. It’s like teaching children: if you can’t play (PRAY) properly, we will take away your toy (SHUL)
Time to grow up and take responsibility. What do Dr. Rosen & Hatzalah say?
They are not wearing masks. This is showing everyone how “we don’t need to follow rules”. A very bad lesson to everyone
The law is you only have to wear a mask if you can’t social distance, so by krias hatorah they did
How many more casualties are needed?
They don’t need masks.
empire kosher has so many more people at any given time. dont get the double standard if its safe for one place it should be safe for the other.
1) In a store you go in and out and interact with people at most in passing. In a shul you spend prolonged periods of time with people in an enclosed space.
2) Not everyone can shop from home, but everyone can Daven at home. Safek Pikuach Nefesh takes precedence over almost everything else in Yiddishkeit, even over davening with a Minyan.
They need to disinfect each & every corner
And every single seder & siddur before they open up 770 Please!!!! We do not need a 2nd wave ch’v’
No masks ! Really dumb. All we need is another major outbreak and all will suffer. Esp our kids. Course I’m not surprised
stop the hysteria the virus doesnt live more than a few days max – they just opened the shul! they should wear masks indoors due to poor air circulation. perhaps the people there have anti bodies.
According to the law, you only need to wear a mask if you’re in a situation where you can’t social distance. As you can see in the pictures, there is ample space between each person. And you might want to consider that they might all have antibodies.