Friday, 15 Sivan, 5784
  |  June 21, 2024

Prevention101: What is Bullying

New video series from Operation Survival: What is bullying? What is the difference between aggressive behavior and bullying? Full Story, Video

L’Chaim: Chayo – Klein

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May 13, 2019 11:20 am

I’m a parent of an adult child who lived in the UK. The jewish school allowed my child to be pinched..insulted and left each lunch time ALONE. The Rabbis I asked to help my child were useless. The bullies families were laughing at my 11 year old. They take pride in hurting others. They have no idea that one day…their grandchild may experience same thing one day. Hateful hurtful comments..such as “retard” and isolation. They have yet to reap what they sowed. bullies are murderers. They murder and I hope they end up in jail. They should be. Maybe Hashem… Read more »

May 13, 2019 11:44 am

one shouldnt think bullying is exclusively by kids. many adults bully as well…

Our very own principals and Mashpiim
Reply to  adults
May 13, 2019 5:32 pm

What about the Rebbeim, teachers and principals that bully the teen-age students with hurtful evil mean snide comments. Do they really think it doesn’t have an affect on them emotionally, mentally and spiritually?!? Just look at our generation that they helped to ruin. Yes, it’s their ugly comments and meanness that work on a child until the child finally believes he is that ugly, useless, bad person so why try being good?!? Shame on the hanhala and their titles that justify their bullying. It’s not just kids – wake ups. They see their role models doing it, so they can… Read more »

Why dv o rabbis say...move on?
Reply to  Our very own principals and Mashpiim
May 14, 2019 8:09 pm

You are right!!

Operation Survival
Reply to  Our very own principals and Mashpiim
May 15, 2019 9:33 am

We will address the role of teachers and educators in education in a future episode.