By COLlive reporter
Rabbi Moshe Wolfson, the revered Mashgiach of Yeshiva Torah Va’Daas in Brooklyn, NY, who had a global following in the ways of Torah, Chassidus and Musar, passed away on Shabbos, 16 Sivan 5784.
He was 99.
Rabbi Wolfson was born on Shvat 5685 (1925) and learned in his youth at Yeshiva Torah Va’Daas, which was led by Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz OBM. He learned by Rabbi Gedalya Shor and Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky.
He returned to Torah Va’Daas in later years to serve as its long-time Mashgiach Ruchni, teaching and guiding thousands of students over the years. He emphisized davening with kavana and excitement in the ways of the Karlin chassidus.
He also served as the rav of Camp Torah Vodaas in Kingston, New York for numerous summers, fostering a devoted following of talmidim who later established Emunas Yisrael community, with Rabbi Wolfson as their leader.
Cong. Emunas Yisroel on 16th Avenue in Boro Park was where he davened and taught many. His students went to establish additional shuls in locations they have been concentrative in such as Monsey, NY; Lakewood, NJ, Jerusalem and Beitar in Israel.
He would emphasize that every Jew is holy, even if one isn’t seen living Jewish externally. His teachings was based on Musar, but also on Chassidus from the Alter Rebbe‘s Tanya, the Sefas Emes and R’ Tzaddok Hakohen of Lublin.
Over the years, Rabbi Wolfson merited to have a close and warm connection with the Rebbe. He visited the Rebbe’s house during Shiva after the passing of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, went with his wife to 770 Eastern Parkway to receive ‘lekach’ before Yom Kippur and a dollar and bracha from the Rebbe.
VIDEO: Rabbi Wolfson at the Rebbe
Speaking in 5748, the Rebbe told Rabbi Wolfson that since his first name was Moshe, he surely follows the ways of Moshe Rabeinu who was “a lover of (bnei) Yisroel” and would therefore deliver his Musar shmu’esn (talks) with a focus on the good.
Rabbi Wolfson was known for his passionate speeches yet resisted publishing his talks and shiurim. He only agreed to do so at the instruction of the Rebbe, leading to the publication of his 3-volume Emunas Etecha, Likuteu Oros on Tanya and other seforim.
“It shouldn’t harm me,” he asked before publishing his second book, to which the Rebbe answered: “Adraba v’adraba it will benefit and benefit. To publish and the sooner the better.”
When Rabbi Wolfson suffered a heart problem, he turned to the Rebbe for a bracha. The Rebbe told him in Yiddish, “a Yid who heals the hearts of the Jewish people needs to have a healthy heart.” When Rabbi Wolfson reported that cardiac catheterization was needed, the Rebbe said the doctor would find “a heart filled with love for Hashem.” To the doctor’s surprise, the results were positive.
During a later time, when Rabbi Wolfson was suffering from other health issues and also difficulties with his shul, he went to the Rebbe. The Rebbe blessed him with “Yaarich yomim al mamlachto,” that he will have long prosperous years.
VIDEO: A Chof Dalev Teves Farbrengen with Rabbi Wolfson
VIDEO: Miami Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Leibel Schapiro shares a miracle story of the Rebbe and Rabbi Wolfson
The levaya will be held on Sunday at 10:00 AM at Emunas Yisroel in Brooklyn. Kevurah will take place in Teveria, Israel.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Thank you for sharing. May his nechama have the highest aliyah.
Ad Masai!
Rabbi Wolfson had yechidus with both the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe
Interesting. Haven’t heard that. Anything written up in any place about it ? Know any details? TY
Simchas Torah will never be the same.
Bochurim who came in for Tahalucha in Boro park on Simchas Torah would often stop in to join in hakafos knowing or not knowing it’s his shul on 16 Ave and 43st.
Rabbi Wolfson OBM would make sure every year before hakafos began to sing the Alter Rebbes niggun and during hakafos to sing ksiva vachasima Tova niggun and others as well….
His encouragement and enthusiasm for every one there, left a eternal impact and that will be dearly missed.
A good example of having a tremendous impact through gentle humility and genuine piety.
Only good news family my is name yisroel brikman
May his writings and involvement in yiddishkeit continue to inspire us.
Baruch Dayan Emes !
He told me how he remembered fondly how the Rebbe would farbreng with the NY area yeshiva boys on Chol Hamoed in the 1940s.
He was a real Moshiach yid. Always awaiting and praying for Moshiach.
May he help us finish the job!
Greatly revered Rov at Emunas Yisroel on 16th Avenue.
At his shul, Emunas Yisroel, hey sing the Alter Rebbe’s nigun with dveykus when taking out the Torah on the night of Simchas Torah.
He said the Gematria of “מאסף לכל המחנות” =770
Later someone told it to the rebbe mh”m and the rebbe m”hm laughed
יחי המלך!