A few weeks ago NASA released information about seven newly discovered “Earth-size” planets in a solar system 40 light-years away. Three of these planets are located in the habitable zone, the area around a star where a planet is most likely to have liquid water, and therefore is most conducive to sustaining life. The scientific community and millions of Americans became excited about this new discovery and the potential of finding extraterrestrial life.
What is the Torah’s view on alien life?
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor, a shliach in Plantation, Florida has spoken about this fascinating topic across the country and abroad.
After a recent speaking engagement in Las Vegas, he wanted to teach snippets of the Torah’s approach while taking a road-trip to Area 51, a highly classified air force base in the middle of Nevada.
This spot is shrouded in mystery, legend, and conspiracy theories connected with alien spacecraft.
Where does Torah say that? Unless someone can show me clearly that Torah says what you claimed, I will stick with what I learned in science class, which is that all the planets and the Sun, orbit around their common center of mass. The Sun being far more massive then all the planets moons, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets etc… Put together, mostly stays in it’s place and just wobbles as everything else moves in relation to it. This is one way, astronomers have discovered exoplanets (planets, orbiting stars, in other solar systems) by detecting the wobble of the stars themselves… Read more »
According to Torah the planets orbit the earth.
Back then—this was the early 1970s—when word got around that I was working with NASA and looking for life on Mars, some religious Jews would rebuke me. They said, “You mustn’t do that. You mustn’t work in the space biology program or the exobiology program, because it goes contrary to Torah. You shouldn’t be doing this kind of work.” Since at this point I had already begun my journey to Jewish practice, their words caused me concern—was I doing something wrong? I didn’t know what to make of these statements. Rabbi Feller suggested that the next time I would meet… Read more »
Incorrect the rebbe said animal life may exist on other planets
Great video!!!.
149… 😉
Hashem has done an awesome, magnificent job, whatever.
הרבי בעצם אמר שאי אפשר להגביל יכולתו של הקבה
ויתכן שיש חיים מחוץ לכדור הארץ אלא שלא מגעים למעלת אנשים ואנושות שיש כאן
Very nice and interesting . I believe in dr branover book from years ago he tells of a yechidus he had . the point was similar to the shalo : that even if there are ET they do not have bechira plus mattan Torah was only on this earth . that means that the end game of diro betachtonim is here . there is no other am Yisroel any where else , there is no mattan Torah anywhere else .here on earth is the end game …
Zie Gezunt
keep it up, it was and is a refresher to hear your thoughts on this subject. I am sure that chasidus and the Rebbe teache us more clearty about this jubject
Please don’t misquote the Rebbe!
ALFRED E. NEWMAN – Your are incorrect. The Rebbe never said that.
Gut Voch!
so did he find any karkaftah aliens?