Tuesday, 21 Elul, 5784
  |  September 24, 2024

The Stockpile I Saw in R’ Yisroel Rapaport’s House

Rabbi Levi Silman, a Shliach in Cape Town, South Africa, recalls spending a night in the guest room at the home of New Jersey Shliach Rabbi Yisroel Rapoport OBM and being initially taken aback by what he found there... Full Story

300 Blocks of Ice Saved the Mikvah of Tasmania, Australia

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Anim Zemiros in a Slow Jazz Version

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Nicest person!
February 9, 2021 7:35 am

He was the nicest person!
The world has lost a gem!!

Yes a special person
February 9, 2021 9:08 am

And thanks for taking the time to remind us to do chesed with intelligence and sensitivity. Please help his family with donations to your ability.

beautiful story
February 9, 2021 9:13 am

touching. what a special person he was.

February 9, 2021 10:58 am

Very nice story and even better lessons for all of us to learn from.

Thanks for sharing!

You see a reflection of yourself
February 9, 2021 11:24 am

Levi Silman would do the same!

So sad
February 9, 2021 11:49 am

Why is our community so one sided? When we hear of someone needing our prayers, we grab a tehillim and say a kapital. If the situation persists friends and family urge us to continue davening, keeping us updated on the situation. We become emotionally attached, and then when we are asked for money everyone opens their wallet. Where is our community now? Where is the support for a shliachs family who would have done anything for anyone at the drop of the hat? Is this family not worthy of our help because we are not emotionally entangled? Is it now… Read more »

You are rite
February 9, 2021 3:55 pm

But……..when a person does good deeds during his/or her life time, we are just thinking WOW!!!!
(We are not looking @ the future) & that was Reb Yisroel, he went out there & did whatever it took to make a person satisfied. He cared more for others then he cared for himself.
An old friend of yisroel.
May his Neshama have aliya.