Answer by Rabbi Noam Wagner who comes from a long line of extremely learned and important Rabbinical scholars. He grew up in Toronto, Canada, and was ordained by the famous Montreal’s Chief Rabbi Pinchos Hirshprung OBM in 1995.
He currently heads the Chabad Yeshiva for college boys in Johannesburg, South Africa, where he currently lives with his family. Rabbi Wagner has a unique perspective on Chassidic philosophy and is recognized for his influence and unique connection with Chabad bochurim.
This project was made possible by The Chanin Fund and Reliable Fast Cash.
thank you for the clarity
What is the difference between our present situation and the annual flu season? Presently the estimates of lethality of covid19 may be on the order of the annual flu perhaps 0.1% because most people who get covid 19 are assymptomatic or minimally symptomatic and don’t get tested. Since the annual non-novel flu kills 300,000 to 600,000 worldwide every year, perhaps we should close all shuls and mikvaos every winter? After all it’s a sfek sfeika that we’ll catch and spread the flu to a person at risk?
Be honest all your fake frumkeit will go right out the window when you need a ventilator.
Also the frum will take all the hospital beds because of the community connections and advocates and image what kind of chilul hashem that is.
Use your brains, be safe.
If u can write such a comment than apparently u have no idea how this virus works!!!
This is much different and worse than the regular flu.
The fatality rate for Corona virus is currently 1/35.
While the flu fatality rate is below 1/100!
You saw the pictures of People lining up for toilet paper?
Now imagine that but lining up for ventilaters.Those People not neccasarily got medical care,for example the flu in 2018 when there were tents set up outside hospitals due to overcrowding.Also corona is substantially more contagious.
When the whole country is on quarantine it will be me’ein yom shekulo shabbos.