The dedicated volunteers of Hatzalah are committed to our safety, and the safety of our friends and families.
By supporting Hatzalah, you too can be a Messenger of Life!
Hatzalathon is hosting a three week long campaign in support of our loyal emergency responders. Partake in this cause to express your appreciation for their unrelenting dedication and commitment to the health and safety of your families. Our heroes serve with a deep sense of purpose and dedication, and thrive off of our continued support and partnership in sustaining their work.
Your local branch of Hatzalah volunteers are your personal heroes and bodyguards, available and ready at a moment’s notice. Be sure to identify your local branch of Hatzalah when you donate to this cause- these are YOUR “Messengers of Life!”
Let us partner up and pay it forward.
Visit to find your local branch.
And of course they are very careful to protect the privacy of those they are privileged to assist and never speak about them to family, neighbors and friends.